Monday, January 9, 2012

Welcome to my blog!

I will begin with the first line of business of who I am and why you will want to read my blog.  As with any bloggess, I and my writing will always be a work in progress.  I can't tell you where this blog will go, but I can tell you where it starts.   I grew up in Grosse Pointe Woods, Michigan and currently live in Raleigh, North Carolina.  Where I lived and my gypsy meanderings in between these two points will be revealed as the posts accumulate.  What you want to know now is what you will gain from reading my blog.  So with no further adieu, what I hope to do for you is to provide you with a jumping off point, if you will, of what Raleigh and the Triangle has to offer in terms of restaurants and anything food related. I will serve you local restaurant reviews, and you will on occasion enjoy with me my culinary forays into other parts of the country or world. I also at times hope to entertain you with ridiculous stories about food and food adventures. I tend to be a quality for budget eater and traveler as much as possible, so those of you with shallow pockets will enjoy this blog most. I am not a vegan or vegetarian, but I am not drawn to meat as much as some. I fall somewhere between a vegetarian and minor carnivore, so you won't find tons of meat dishes reviewed.

What I will not do for you is this.....I will not provide you with endless and tiring details of places and events that you could care less to hear about.  Or at least I hope I won't.  Keep me on track will you? I hope to stick to the basics about how you will benefit from what I write without making a novel out of any experience. I may stray a bit in my attempts to make you smile, but I swear I will keep your best interests in mind.  You want to know about FOOD, sometimes travel, and perhaps at times be slightly entertained. 

Well, with all that being said, I feel the need to remain brief. Was that brief? And by all means please make comments!! The only thing I ask is that you maintain the integrity of my blog and remain positive in your remarks.  If something appears to be missing from a post that makes my review of a restaurant appear incomplete, it is because I choose to say nothing at all rather than say something negative.  I want the places I post about to know they rank high in my eyes in some way, shape, or form or they wouldn't be posted at all.  That is what is important!

So, please stay tuned! And welcome to my blog!

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